Hirain was invited to attend the 2021 world intelligent networked automobile conference
On September 25, the 2021 world intelligent networked automobile conference was officially opened in Beijing. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Beijing Municipal People's government, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security, the Ministry of transport and the China Association of science and technology. It aims to lead the development trend of the global automobile industry, seize the strategic commanding heights of emerging industries and start a new journey of building a modern automobile power in China.
Hirain was invited to attend the conference. In the "ICT enterprise special session: smart chips and on-board systems", and gave a keynote speech around on-board embedded software development and independent chip practice, and shared and communicated with the guests.
会上, 经纬恒润工程咨询事业部高级总监张贺伟围绕车载嵌入式软件的发展现状和趋势,介绍了经纬恒润Classic AUTOSAR、Adaptive AUTOSAR、嵌入式系统平台以及软件工具链,并将公司在汽车电子量产项目及自主芯片方面的实践与参会嘉宾进行了分享和深入交流,期望进一步开放合作生态,构建产业链生态伙伴,构建差异化解决方案。